metalworking coolantsDuraMet coolants are designed to offer extended sump life, superior tool life, and compatibility with our environment. They have been used in a variety of manufacturing operations ranging from automotive, agricultural, construction equipment to white goods, computer, and general job shop industries. Product groups include: straight cutting oils, emulsifiable oils, semi­-synthetics, and full synthetics.

Please find below a partial list of our coolant product line.  If you have any questions, or if you have a need for a specific application, please contact us at 1-800-435-5705.

Coolant Type Description
DuraMet 1900-SS Micro−Emulsion All-purpose micro-emulsion. Versatile for cutting and grinding.  Good rust protection on all ferrous metals including cast iron. Easy to maintain, low odor, Chlorine-FREE and low foaming.
DuraMet 1902-RT Micro−Emulsion Heavy-duty, Chlorine-FREE micro-emulsion “work-horse”. Great for machining tough metals including stainless steel, titanium, hastelloy and aluminum.  Offers exceptional rust protection for cast iron.
DuraMet HydroTap 9000 Micro−Emulsion Unique semi-synthetic formulated for difficult form tapping operations.  Chlorine-FREE and No Sulfur.  Provides great finishes and outstanding tool life.  Excellent bio-protection.
DuraMet 1911-TM Micro−Emulsion Chlorine-FREE, low foaming micro-emulsion designed for general machining and grinding.  Excellent tube mill lubricant that is economical and long lasting with very good rust protection.
DuraMet 1946-C Micro−Emulsion High performance micro­-emulsion coolant. Can be used for cutting and grinding mixed metals. Low foam, bio­-resistant, Chlorine-FREE and an excellent “job shop” product.
DuraMet 1812 Emulsion Standard emulsion formulated for a variety of machining operations. Designed for ferrous or nonferrous metals. Low foaming and odor resistant; contains chlorine.
DuraMet 1850 Emulsion Versatile, multi-­task product that can be used on mixed metals. Effective on aluminum, stainless, tool steel and aircraft metals. Chlorine-FREE, low foaming and bio-­resistant.
DuraMet 1600-GY Synthetic General purpose grinding fluid. Provides high detergency to keep wheels from loading while sustaining low foam levels. Leaves soft residues and readily settles fines.
DuraMet 1620-MY Synthetic General machining and grinding fluid. Good lubricity and low foaming with excellent corrosion protection. Use for machining ferrous metals and light duty aluminum operations.
DuraMet 1690-HY Synthetic Heavy duty machining and grinding coolant. Use for medium to heavy severity machining and grinding on mixed metals including stainless, titanium and most aluminum grades. Low foaming and excellent rust protection.
DuraSwiss 1250-OT Straight Oil Multi-purpose cutting oil designed for standard machining operations including gun drilling. Medium viscosity fluid also used in Swiss style machines. Contains chlorine for added extreme pressure activity.
DuraSwiss 1285-NCL Straight Oil Premium mineral oil cutting fluid formulated for Swiss style screw machines. Clear, transparent, Chlorine-FREE and no sulfur. Low smoke, low foam and a great choice for all metals including stainless, hastelloy and titanium.